Fantabulous Day #12 Beans, Beans, Beans & a Compliment

Once again it I felt absolutely great when I woke up this morning.  My back is about 98% healed, at least that is the way it feels on the outside.  So I ventured forth to gym and ran on the elliptical or ride, I don’t know what exactly to call it.  It felt great.  Being able to do my cardio will make it easier to make my 2 lbs goal this week for weight lose.  Yeah!  I will try my weights tomorrow after I get a feel for how my back is doing in the morning. 

OH! I almost forgot to tell my inspiring story.  I was on the elliptical and just about finish.  One of my coworkers walked up to me.  I don’t really like talking to anyone when I am in the zone, but I took my earbuds out of my ears to hear what this person had to say.  What was said  put a smile on my face.  It absolutely made my day. 

            “I am proud of you” 

That was it.  There are usually other regulars at the gym that go the same time as I do.  I call them my unsaid gym buddies.  We don’t talk to each other and barely acknowledge each other when we pass.  But sometimes one will say to another “Good Job”.  I like that a lot.  That is very motivating.  Oh and did I mention my response. 

“Thank you, I am proud of me too.” 

We both laughed.  Can you feel the positive energy.

I love black beans.  I can eat them with everything.  They are really healthy for you and have good fiber content, which is a good thing.  Remember I am in Iraq so there is no way for me to just go to the corner store and get the things I need and want.  I was originally purchasing, online, canned beans.  I had the bright idea to start purchasing dry beans.  Now I must say, I love cook, but I have never cooked dried beans before.  It was very easy and it is much cheaper than purchasing the canned beans.  I am sure they would last forever, the dried beans.  That’s if I did not love them so much.  Anywho the beans turned out great.  I used them in a bean chili, vegetarian of course.  I don’t mind having to soak the beans in advance, because I try to plan my meals ahead of time.  I think this will be the only way I purchase beans in the future. 

Well any way that is it.

Now for………

☼  Lizinator Stats and Summation for Today: ☼

“If anybody gives a hootie hoo”

What I listen today: Vegetarian Food for Thought Podcast, Homemade is Best Podcast, Fat 2 Fit Radio Podcast,

What I watched today:  Medium, Deep Space Nine

What I read:   Only Lots of Emails

How I was productive: Mood today:  bad mood, good mood, fantabulous mood

How motivated was I today:  unmotivated, some what motivated, very motivated, highly motivated

What I ate good today:  Vegetarian Chili, Yummmmmo!

What I ate not so good today:  Nothing, YEAH!

Sleep the Night Before: No Sleep Info today

Physical Activity Today:  Walked 11357 Steps

It’s a wrap for today.  Say with me….

Love, Peace and Hair Grease

Your Lurvly and Lovable Lotus


Mentioned Links:
Vegetarian Food for Thought
Homemade is Best
Fat 2 Fit Radio


About Elizabeth Hall

CEO & Founder of Smart Office Help Social Media Management, Lifestyle blogger at, Podcaster & Mommy
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